Project Earth Rock evaluation by the University of Sheffield

Dr Caroline Oates of the The University of Sheffield Management School has secured ESRC funding to examine how children learn about sustainability and the potential for reverse eco-socialisation - the extent to which children can influence their parents’ sustainability behaviours. The University has chosen to focus on Project Earth Rock (PER) as an educational tool due to its comprehensive approach and unique multimedia format. The researcher, Victoria Circus, is assessing both the efficacy of PER as a tool for teaching sustainability, as well as whether it is able to help students drive changes at home.

Over the first half of 2019 Victoria observed Project Earth Rock being taught in two different primary schools in Gloucestershire. She also met with families of some of the children from the classes. Victoria said:

"It has been a privilege to watch the Project Earth Rock lessons being taught to classes of school children. It has been a fascinating experience witnessing the children acquire new knowledge, make connections and ask critical questions about different environmental topics, as well as sing and dance along to the Project Earth Rock songs and often eagerly request to watch the animations!"

Victoria is due to complete her research by September 2020. She is happy to hear from anyone who would like to find out more,

Jess Gold, Project Director said

“Project Earth Rock is in around 200 schools now, feedback from schools is consistently positive. This University of Sheffield research will give us a broader perspective on our impact and will help us to improve our offer to schools. We will be well prepared for the inevitable moment when climate change is given its rightful place on the school curriculum. More pupils will then be able to enjoy the Project Earth Rock songs and animations"



Published by Jess Gold on Wednesday, July 03, 2019 in News
