Welcome to Project Earth Rock and Big Green Machine. We are delighted to be launching our new resource at the start of this academic year. We will use this blog to keep you posted about environmental projects and ideas that will be of interest to you and your pupils.
This new resource couldn’t have come at a more important time. Earlier this year Michael Gove threatened to remove climate change as a topic from the Key Stage 3 curriculum. More than 65,000 people signed petitions in protest and enabled him to change his mind, a great result for collective passion and commitment.
So it seems that a topic as important as climate change does not come with a lifelong curriculum guarantee. On the other hand schools have control over a significant proportion of the curriculum, particularly at the primary level.
We have created Project Earth Rock to give teachers the tools that they need to embed climate change and sustainability into the curriculum, importantly, in a fun and engaging manner. You can use Project Earth Rock to help children understand all the aspects of sustainability that can be found dotted about the curriculum.
Over the last 5 years we have been using our songs and animation in primary schools to help teach about sustainable transport and other sustainability topics. They have been enjoyed by many hundreds of children. We are excited that we are now able to make them available nationally for schools.
So download the free sample and get singing and let us know how it goes!
Published by Geoff Sheridan on Sunday, September 01, 2013 in News